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  • LACTIS 10mL
  • LACTIS 10mL
  • LACTIS 10mL


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10 points

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Description : Watch

Volume :

10.6 oz

Manufacturer :

B&S Corporation

Country of origin:


This product is delivered directly from the domestic market of Japan.


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Lactis LACTIS is a fermented extract made from 16 carefully selected species of lactobacilli.
Produced by fermenting soy milk with lactobacilli, which is then left to ripen throughout the year.

Advantages of Lactis LACTIS:
? 100% natural raw materials of vegetable origin are used.
It is made only from soybean milk of Japanese origin.
? Does not contain sugar, flavorings and preservatives.
? Does not contain phosphorus, is a product with low potassium content.
? The safety of the agent is proved by clinical studies conducted in Japan.

One of the distinguishing features of Lactis lies in its pleasant, sour taste, reminiscent of the taste of lemon juice.

Reception instruction Lactis:
Lactis is recommended to take 1 stick per day, both in undiluted form and mixing it with water.

1. At what time is it better to take Lactis for greater efficiency?
Lactis can be taken at any convenient time. According to the survey, most consumers prefer to drink it in the morning.

2. How best to take Lactis for greater benefit?
Lactis is recommended to dilute in water.
For example, you can add it to a small plastic bottle of water (0.6 liters) and drink diluted Lactis during the day.
(I add it to a cup of mineral water and drink for 1 time).

3. Whether it is possible to use Lactis simultaneously with reception of medicines and bioadditives?
When taking a course of medications, you should consult your doctor before you start taking Lactis.

4. Can I take Lactis during pregnancy?
It is possible, since Lactis normalizes the state of the intestinal microflora.

5. Can I give Lactis to small children?
Can. In this case, Lactis should be added to boiled water.
Children under 2 years are advised to take a remedy for 5-10 drops per day.

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POINT 1: Possible causes of discomfort and deterioration of the body.

On human health, the state of the microflora of its intestines is significantly affected - the ratio of the number of useful and harmful bacteria. With the necessary number of beneficial microorganisms, a healthy state of the intestine remains, which makes us feel light and cheerful throughout the body. However, with an increase in the number of harmful bacteria, the balance of the microflora is disturbed, the state of the intestine worsens, under the influence of which the defenses of the organism are also reduced, the organism is at risk of various diseases.

Deterioration of the condition and discomfort in the intestine serve as a signal of our body about the imbalance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the normalization of the state of the intestinal microflora is an important factor for maintaining health and natural beauty.

POINT 2: The importance of the gastrointestinal tract.

What would you answer the question about the most important part of our body to maintain his health in general? Stomach? Liver? Or maybe the kidneys? No doubt, every organ is important for the proper functioning of a single system of the human body. However, if we talk about the importance for maintaining health, the intestine comes first: the normalization of the balance of the intestinal microflora positively affects the state of the whole organism.

What is the cause of this influence? After human food is split into digestion by nutrients, these substances are almost completely absorbed into the small intestine. If the small intestine is contaminated and harmful substances enter it, then they are absorbed together with nutrients, which can cause many diseases, and accelerate the aging process.

For a healthy state of the intestine is responsible for its microflora - more than 120 trillion microorganisms that regulate its balance. If it is dominated by beneficial bacteria that have the most positive effect on the body, for example lactobacilli, then the state of the body is maintained in the norm. On the contrary, with the predominance of harmful bacteria, the intestines become contaminated, the balance is disturbed, and we feel discomfort.

Also the intestines are very important for supporting immunity. If the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the protective forces of the organism decrease, its condition worsens and the degree of exposure to various diseases increases. Therefore, you should always maintain a normal balance of intestinal microflora - to restrain the growth of pathogenic bacteria and increase the number of beneficial microorganisms.

POINT 3: Lactobacilli.

Very many people at the word ”lactobacillus” immediately remember the useful properties of yogurt. However, yogurt is only one type of food containing these beneficial microorganisms, and there are more such products than you can imagine. For example, cheese, soy sauce, miso paste, some pickles and marinades, even bread and much, much more.

Lactobacillus is one of the most important types of beneficial bacteria that make up the intestinal microflora. Their positive impact on health and life expectancy is clinically proven in the case of animals and humans. According to studies in healthy elderly people, the number of these bacteria is much higher than in ordinary people.

Let's see what role the lactobacillus plays in the intestinal microflora, and what must be done to increase their number.

The microflora of the intestine is made up of both beneficial bacteria (for example, fermented bacteria) and pathogenic microorganisms. Their number remains unchanged - 120 trillion, only the proportions change. If the proportion of beneficial bacteria rises, the number of harmful bacteria decreases and vice versa.

With the prevalence of beneficial bacteria, microflora is normal, which also positively affects the health of the body as a whole. Lactobacilli help digest useful and nutrients, prevent the occurrence of infections. In addition, in the small intestine 70% of cells of the immune system are concentrated, due to which the gastrointestinal tract has a beneficial effect on the defenses of the body.

On the contrary, with the predominance of pathogenic bacteria, the work of the intestine worsens and there are problems with the stool, but also the production in the intestine of such dangerous substances as hydrogen sulphide, ammonium, indole, phenol, etc. These dangerous substances are easily absorbed by the body through the small intestine, as a result of which serious diseases can occur, the aging processes of the organism are accelerated.

But, no matter how sad, with age, due to improper diet and constant stress, the amount of these harmful bacteria in our intestines only increases.

Factors affecting the state of the intestinal microflora.

Age: with age, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases and the number of pathogens in the intestinal microflora increases.

? Nutrition: harmful bacteria like animal protein and fats. Consumption of meat and fatty foods contributes to their growth.

Stress: Lactobacillus is killed by stress. The total number of microorganisms in the intestine does not change, so reducing the number of beneficial bacteria leads to an increase in the number of harmful bacteria.


Useful bacteria: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, etc.

? Improve digestion and absorption of useful substances.
? Prevent infection.
? Enhance immunity.
Synthesize vitamins.

As a result - maintaining a healthy body.


Harmful bacteria: clostridium perfringence.

? Causes rotting processes in the intestine.
? Contribute to the production of carcinogens.
? Causes increased gas production.

As a result - the emergence of disease, aging, problems with stool, atherosclerosis.

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Have you thought about what is happening to your intestines?

There is a fairly simple way to determine its condition - pay attention to the stool and gas formation. With an unpleasant odor, there is a high probability that hazardous substances are released into the intestines under the influence of harmful bacteria.

If in such a case the measures are not taken in a timely manner, the state of the intestine will have a detrimental effect on the health of the whole organism as a whole. In order for this to happen, it is important to increase the number of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora - lactobacilli - in time.

How most effectively increase the number of lactobacilli?
For this, it is not enough just to consume yoghurt and products containing sour-milk bacteria for a number of reasons.

1) Lactobacilli die by the action of gastric acid,
2) Lactobacillus yogurt can not survive in the almost airless space of the intestine,
3) Not all lactobacilli entering the intestine with food can come up with the microflora of a certain person.

In this regard, to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, it is much more important not to consume them, but to maintain their own healthy microflora that promotes their growth.

The fermented extract of Lactis LACTIS is not only the lactobacillus itself. It is an extract made from lactobacilli and contributing to their growth. In its composition - only the most necessary components to improve the balance of microflora, produced from 16 species of fermented milk bacteria, grown and aged in soy milk. Thanks to the use of Lactis LACTIS, the natural balance of the intestinal microflora is effectively normalized.

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2 main components that determine the effect of Lactis LACTIS:

1. Secretion.

Secretion creates a natural barrier that prevents the intestines from sucking harmful substances and bacteria. Thanks to it, pathogenic bacteria can not disturb the balance of the intestinal microflora: the number of beneficial bacteria increases, and the number of pathogens decreases to a natural level.

2. Cell substance.

The cellular substance of lactobacilli has 2 most important effects:
Restoration of damaged intestinal cells.
? Activation of cells of the body's immune system.

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Name: Lactis LACTIS (product containing fermented bacteria).

Ingredients: lactic acid extract (fermented soybean extract), citric acid (sweet potato starch, black malt), lactic acid (daikon).
※ The soybean used for the lactobacillus extract is not a genetically modified product.

Nutrition value of 1 individual stick (10 ml):
Energy value - 0.5 kcal.
Proteins - 0 g
fats - 0 g
carbohydrates - 0.1 g
sugar - 0 g
salt - 0.0 g
phosphorus - 0.0 mg
potassium - 0.1 mg.

The composition of the package: 30 sticks of 10 ml.
Storage: Store in a cool, dark place.
Shelf life: unopened packaging - up to 2 years at room temperature. The contents of the opened stick should be used immediately.
Manufacturer: B & S Corporation.
Country of Origin: Japan.
The product is delivered directly from the domestic market of Japan.


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